Alexei B. Danilin
Expert in the development of business concepts, strategic marketing, launching and development of start-up projects in the sphere of high technologies, a mediator between Russian companies and Western partners, manager of outsourcing in the field of customized R&D. IInitiator, facilitator and entrepreneur of high-tech projects. Entrepreneur in the area of science and technology.
For several years was being the:
- NEXUSPAN representative in the Russian Federation;
- Member of the Russian branch of IMAPS;
- Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Standards and Certification of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Russia;
- Expert of the Federal Fund for electronics development.
- Head of Department of strategic development of OJSC «Rosel»;
- Member of the Board of Directors of JSC «Angstrem», JSC «Angstrem-M», JSC «Elma», JSC «Optron» and JSC «Electron»;
- Expert of the Center for Strategic Research «North-West»;
Participated in the development of:
- the business plan of JSC «Angstrom-T» (business concept and marketing);
- the development strategy of OJSC «Rosel», initiated and participated in the National Fabless Company and the Association of Design Centers project drafting;
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Doctor of Sciences, a specialist in the field of ion beam modification of solids, the author of more than 80 publications. Member of the Bohmische Physical Society, a graduate of the USIA «Business for Russia» program and MIRBIS courses.